Wednesday, June 30, 2010


As hard as it is to admit it, our trail spot that has been going for roughly two years is dead (for now). A combination of; sporadic diggers with minimal motivation, the realization that the digging we did all winter did not really pay off, and the lack of a water source in the 100+ degree Redding heat lead to an abandonment of the trails.

I say "for now" though because at some point things will be rethought at the Kanyon; the main line will be made bigger, longer and will flow much better. Until that time comes though this blog will probably just be a source of random trails related posts, as well as anything else I feel is worth posting, trails related or not.

Check out this beautiful little edit that made me want to go dig and ride some decent trails the moment I saw it...

Pompom back to La Source from JeremyMuller on Vimeo.