Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


As hard as it is to admit it, our trail spot that has been going for roughly two years is dead (for now). A combination of; sporadic diggers with minimal motivation, the realization that the digging we did all winter did not really pay off, and the lack of a water source in the 100+ degree Redding heat lead to an abandonment of the trails.

I say "for now" though because at some point things will be rethought at the Kanyon; the main line will be made bigger, longer and will flow much better. Until that time comes though this blog will probably just be a source of random trails related posts, as well as anything else I feel is worth posting, trails related or not.

Check out this beautiful little edit that made me want to go dig and ride some decent trails the moment I saw it...

Pompom back to La Source from JeremyMuller on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wet Shovels

Just got a good storm through Redding yesterday, things are getting done at the canyon. Thanks to the rain we have been digging and will continue to dig until things start to dry up a bit.

An old face has started showing up at the trails again and has discovered a brilliant new way of shaping lips, see more on this below...

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Adding another option to "twistys"

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Grillen n chillen

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After digging in shit dirt for most of the winter we finally hit a good spot

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Apparently if he flexes hard enough lips shape themselves.

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Unfortunately, his muscles are not big enough to do landings...yet

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Not your average trail dog

Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15

For those of you who had to do your taxes today heres a video to cheer you up.

dlx leftovers from josephrobert on Vimeo.

Seen on prettyshady

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Good Things to Come

Little update, the last couple weeks have been a mix of some riding and last minute digging. Been pretty much a 1 to 2 man show most of the time, oh well. Been all over the internet finding a bunch of vids to get everyone stoked for summer, check them out.

Heres a couple photos from a few weeks back when things were dryin up fast and some photos of the digging that has been going on, enjoy...

Houston Trails 2 from Anthony Flores on Vimeo.

Effin Four Random Trails Section from Maximilian Trunz on Vimeo.

Trails from Liam Healy on Vimeo.

Good video and some photos here:
La Source






Tuesday, March 30, 2010

That Time of Year

Some good trail action in this...

Austin march from Al Borelli on Vimeo.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Keeping up with the Internet

Darin Read Diamondback Web Teaser from brennen britton on Vimeo.

Rebuilding the Underground??

RIP Dagger Trails from JeremyMuller on Vimeo.

Hitler from Clint Reynolds on Vimeo.

Better late then never

Mark Mullville- Subrosa from Subrosa Brand on Vimeo.

Photos From Last Week

A storm came in today and ive been stuck inside most of the day, so here is a photo dump from this past week, enjoy...

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New trail spot! Aaron Day and Curtis Ide have been digging all winter and have a new spot up in the woods of Shasta Lake, its good to say the least.

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Check out more photos from this spot HERE

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Some new faces at the canyon

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 19, 2010

Spring is in the air, the bees and mosquitoes are out, and the canyon is ready to ride. Spent most of the weekend resurfacing, and getting the trail legs back. Surprised more people didn't show up to enjoy the beautiful weather.

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On a side note, after picking thousands of rocks out of the wheelbarrow one by one I decided to spend some time building a sift which took a test run today and works beautifully as you can see below.

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Some photos from this weekend, enjoy...

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

-Trail Hut-

After a streak of de-motivation the canyon is finally starting to see some action again. Familar faces have been showing up with shovels in hand and new stuff is being added to the old line for spring. Things were a bit muddy today, which gave us the perfect oppurtunity to dial in "the hut". This thing has been in the works for a while but is finally starting to come together, its going to be prime real estate when the chilled out spring sessions start happening.

Hopefully there will be another trail update within the next couple weeks until then here are some photos from today...

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Andalucia Awesomeness!

I don't usually post things that are not, completely trail related, but I just read this interview on ESPN and it refreshed my memory on how awesome this series actually was. I remember watching it last year a number of times. Joe Rich did an amazing job capturing the trip and the riding was pretty unreal (what you would expect from riders like Chase and Ruben).

Take the 20 minutes to watch all three below, you will be glad you did.

The trail riding in ep. 3 is mind blowing!

Fox Bmx - Andalucia! from FoxHeadInc on Vimeo.

Fox Andalucia Ep2 from FoxHeadInc on Vimeo.

Andalucia Part Three from FoxHeadInc on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Been putting lots of hours in at the canyon the last couple days, things are slowly starting to shape up. Looking forward to spring, its going to be a good time in Redding!

Spotted this website the other day and I like it, been waiting for a good photography inspired trail blog to pop up. Take a look...
"Lost in the shadows is a photoblog documenting life at the trails."


Big things going on here!

austin january from Al Borelli on Vimeo.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Effin Four-Panamoka Local Section from Maximilian Trunz on Vimeo.

seen on DELUXE

cotty woods with Aidan, Lima and crew from howies on Vimeo.

Winter 1 , Trails 0

There has not been much to post lately, nothing happening at oak canyon.The rain and wind have proven to be unrelenting this winter. There hasn't been a full dry week for close to a month and the trails are taking a beating. I went out to the canyon today and it was a mess. Some lips and landings are no more and there is a path of destruction from bored kids who enjoy scattering trash, and anything else they can find in all directions.
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Luckily, all tools are accounted for and the dirt is perfect for digging lots of new stuff for spring.
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Rain damage, wind took most of the few tarps we have off...
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Really bummed about this one
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For some more pictures go here