Friday, February 26, 2010

Andalucia Awesomeness!

I don't usually post things that are not, completely trail related, but I just read this interview on ESPN and it refreshed my memory on how awesome this series actually was. I remember watching it last year a number of times. Joe Rich did an amazing job capturing the trip and the riding was pretty unreal (what you would expect from riders like Chase and Ruben).

Take the 20 minutes to watch all three below, you will be glad you did.

The trail riding in ep. 3 is mind blowing!

Fox Bmx - Andalucia! from FoxHeadInc on Vimeo.

Fox Andalucia Ep2 from FoxHeadInc on Vimeo.

Andalucia Part Three from FoxHeadInc on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Chase's nose dive threes are rad dude. makes me want to ride
